First Class

By Condition, Age, Size and Lifestyle.
Very Palatability.

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UnicaClasse - Unique Food for Your Dog's Lifetime

Suitable for different living conditions

The nutritional system according to condition considers the life requirements of Dogs, following the physiological states. It is important to divide the growth from Adulthood and senior age, which requires special attentions. Also the foods are calibrated according to the level of physical activity performe.


It is of primary importance that during the growth phase all puppies - regardless of their size - receive the nourishment necessary for the correct development of all organic physiological functions and for the proper maturation of their physical structure.


After reaching adulthood, it is important for dogs having normal move, and so without particular needs linked to physical activity, to maintain steady the body mass and high the muscle tone, thanks to the correct food balance.


On the other hand extremely active adult dogs have a generally increased nutritional requirement to maintain high sporting performances. This requires a reinforced intake of specific nutrients to promote body stamina and muscular effort.

Special Care

Finally, adult or senior dogs of all ages may face specific conditions, requiring ad hoc nutritional responce. Few examples may certainly be the aging phase and the proneness to gain excess in body weight due to many factors.

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Palatability and food safety

The formulation of a super-premium product certainly requires that the food is extremely appreciated by the dog. On the other hand it is our ethical commitment to be able to find the optimal combination between the extreme palatability and absolute food safety, without resorting to trick possibly harmful for dog health.

No artificial aroma

Very high palatability without the use of artificial flavours. The released tasting notes are in fact produced by the combination of the ingredients used and by the particular preparation methodology developed in Gheda Petfood kitchen.

No colourant

The natural colour of kibbles, given exclusively by the raw materials, attests the absolute transparency of the foods.

No soya

In order to obtain a very high palatability thanks to a unique sensory experience, it is necessary to exclude soya, because it may contain a combination of amino acids, whose flavour is undesirable or unpalatable for dogs.

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Nutritional Physiology for all Sizes

The top-class nutritional profile is superior both nutritionally and physiologically; this top-class treatment is based on recognizable and objective elements.

Unicaclasse Unico Mini

Mini-sized dogs are characterized by high vitality and rapid metabolism, that involves consequently higher caloric expenditure. Moreover, they also require reinforced levels of Protein to maintain their muscular tone. Should be reminded that these dogs are the most prone to the tartar formation, due to their particular oral conformation. Specific minerals naturally bind the calcium present in the saliva hindering the formation of tartar

Unicaclasse Unico Maxi

Medium-sized dogs are well-balanced with normal caloric expenditure, which can be more influenced according to activity level. A balanced caloric density and a good protein supply are important for maintaining their lean muscular mass. Considering that they spend most of their time outdoor, it is essential to include nutritional elements to support their immune defence, such as vitamins having antioxidant action and selenium.

Unicaclasse Unico Mono All Breed

Large-sized dogs have an anabolic metabolism, Involving lower caloric requirements and minimal activity. The reduced fat content prevents the accumulation of body weight. It must not be missed that, due to their large mass, these dogs have very stressed joints. The chondroprotectors “nourish” them, in absence of specific disturbance. Finally the taurine, that is not an essential amino acid in dogs, is recommended in this size for heart function.

The concept of First Class

The nutritional profile is top class because it is superior to the average of the products on the market, both nutritionally and physiologically. This first-class treatment is essential to be able to define a physiological line of super-premium range, which is based on recognizable and objective elements.

Unicaclasse 1st class physiological

Animal proteins as a first ingredient

All the formulations have animal proteins as the first ingredient and they feature for a selected specie by the case.

White Sorghum as an alternative cereal

The presence of the white sorghum is very useful to reduce the glycaemic load, being the cereal with the least index.

A physiological nutritional profile

Each product contains specific nutritional ingredients, supporting the physiology of the body carrying out its action normally, respecting the physiology of the dog enjoying at the same time perfect health, in every age, condition or lifestyle.

Unicaclasse For every lifestyle

For any lifestyle

The food of the Unica Classe line was formulated to respond with the utmost attention to the habits and different lifestyles of the animal; six different lifestyles to respond in a targeted way to everyday life, whether it is regular, balanced or long-lasting.

Unicaclasse Development
Unicaclasse Sensitive
Unicaclasse Regular
Unicaclasse Tonic
Unicaclasse Equilibrium
Unicaclasse Longevity
Unica Classe - First Class Physiology

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Unica Classe - First Class Physiology